Your death is only the start.
Tagged: Xbox 360
LEGO Jurassic World gets a teaser trailer... and makes us feel like kids again.
A time manipulating puzzle game from the makers of Remember Me? Life certainly is strange.
What would sell you the remaster version of Saints Row IV and its expansion? Probably this trailer.
Is it time to revisit Drangelic?
Are you ready for the zombie hordes... again?
Aliens invade, wipe out everything, what to do you do?
If you aren't Tolkien on Orcs, get out there and kill them.
Better get your brains in gear, Sherlock is here.
A killer's on the bloodshot streets...
Troy Baker and Nolan North acting together as in-game enemies for the first time.
The worlds greatest detective (not Batman!) comes to console.
Can you stop the assassination?
Codemasters reveal the Spa circuit for the F1 2014 game.
No Hobbits in sight for this Lord of the Rings spin off.
Cev gets his hands on Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (as well as his tongue round the title!).
Fast, tight, humps, {insert innuendo here} - GRID Autosport shows off its street discipline.
...should we let it go to voicemail?
@ClinicalAndy, @CevynScott and @SyphiloidMonkey get together to discuss their initial thoughts on the open-world, hack and crash game WATCH_DOGS.
We translate the loading screen phrases of Wolfenstein: The New Order! Probably badly!
The Evil Within gets pushed back for Tango Gameworks to add more polish, but a new trailer appears.
What's your preference: sneaky, sneaky, stealth OR all guns blazing?
The Codec Moments team discuss what they know and want from the upcoming openworld hack-and-crash WATCH_DOGS from Ubisoft.
Start your engines - GRID returns for a third instalment.
Das re-Boot.
Let's hunt some Orc!
Prepare to die... A lot.
Rumours abound Microsoft might sell Xbox to Amazon, to remove distractions from their focus on enterprise. Codec Moments think that could be a good thing!
Lynch mob - activate!
In-game purchases left a £4000 credit card bill for one Mum. Is she right to blame game makers, or is it a failure in understanding parental controls?