The Keighley Strikes Back.
Tagged: The Codec Moments Podcast
We made a podcast at the start of the year, YAY!
Kept you waiting again, huh?
I say nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
The only surprise in the team getting together to talk about Hitman 3 is that it's taken so long for them to organise the time.
Matt, Andy and Ali are joined by Stuart Cullen for this year's quiz - why not listen and join in?
The team get together to reminisce about the last 7 years of games and which have lodged themselves in their memories.
Have you got yours?
Wheels, pedals and sim racing... who'd have thought an MGS inspired podcast would end up being all about the vroom-vroom games?
Are there enough bleeps in the sound bank to use on Ali?
What a shock! We're talking about a racing game...
Did someone mention a new Hitman game?
You won't believe the stuff the PS5 and Series X can do!
Make sure you wash your hands before listening.
He came to chew bubblegum, and kick ass...
What have the Codec Moments team been playing in February and why haven't they recorded anything for ages? Answers in this extra long podcast!
In this show the team talk about their tech purchases, games that have been delayed and what the correct way of pronouncing HOTAS is.
Not only is this a podcast, but it was live too. How impressive! We got together to talk about which games we're looking forward to in 2020 alongside some of the most intriguing CES gadgets.
It's time to test those grey cells to see if you can remember some of the things that happened over the last 10 years.
It's the annual look back over what surprises and disappointments the team have seen in the last 12 months... and in this case, the last 10 years too.
What's been going on in the last month with Codec Momentum?
Standing in your way of Control.
Was it the end of the world for last month?
There might be a bit of contentious content this month.
It's our 6th birthday, YAY! This week's podcast has a selection of the fun things we've done over the last few years. Well... we thought they were good anyway.
In a surprise twist that would sit right at home in a Japanese fighting game, there's no birthday episode, just an interview with Judgment actor Greg Chun.
Do you prefer to play with yourself?
It's June's Codec Momentum update - time to find out what's happened to the leaderboard in the last 30 days and who's won the monthly prize.
F1 2019 has released and Matt and Ali get their thoughts of the latest iteration of Codemasters superb series down on podcast paper.
It's time to throw caution to the wind and go unfiltered and live with our E3 2019 thoughts.