PS5 and Series X – Next Gen Natter

In this episode of the Codec Moments podcast which should really have been called “You won’t believe the stuff the PS5 and Series X can do!”, the team get together to have a chat about everything they know about the next generation of consoles.  It turns out that’s not a lot, but they do manage to avoid fanboy baiting each other and starting a fight.  Of course, with Matt and Ali on the mics there’s bound to be some racing game talk, and given the DiRT 5 announcement recently it’s no surprise that they head down that track.  There’s specs, speculation and made up stuff galore – come and have a listen!

If you want to know the following then, you know, crack on…

  • Are the team going to get the new consoles at launch?
  • Do they care about 8k capability?  Comes with bonus resolution effectivity discussion!
  • What do we think of the new machines potential?
  • What will the PS5 and Series X price be?
  • How hard does Andy work to shoehorn in old podcast references?
  • Have we answered any listener questions?
  • When will the PS5 and Series X release?
  • What’s the name of Ali’s sex tape?
  • If we liked THAT Unreal Engine 5 video?
  • and more!

Why not join our Discord channels to talk games (and other stuff) and listen to live recordings (and join in) – click here.  If you think that Discord is going to hide its PS5 and Series X gameplay from you, then why not check us out on TwitterFacebook or contact us via email.  The Codec Moments Podcast will return soon.

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Co-founder & Editor at Codec Moments

Gamer, F1 fanatic, one half of the Muddyfunkrs DJ duo (find us over on Hive Radio UK), MGS obsessed, tech geek.

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