Recently featured in a Scotch Corner, Stu reviewed Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite and rather liked the crossover brawler. He’s now had the chance to interview Peter Rosas, the associate producer on the game, and find out more from behind the scenes.
What is the biggest change to this game over past in the series?
“In general, the biggest change would have to be the addition of the story mode. For this title, we’ve worked closely with Marvel to craft an all-original exciting and entertaining tale that tells the story of how/why Marvel and Capcom characters are in the same universe at the same time until now; something we have not had the luxury of doing before. If we’re talking about the biggest change from a combat perspective, it would have to be the introduction of the Switch System. The Switch system allows players the ability to seamlessly switch between their two heroes at will, driving up teamwork in a way that hasn’t seen before throughout the franchise.”
How has the auto-combo system gone down with players and who is this feature aimed at? Younger gamers?
“Legacy players were a bit apprehensive at its implementation initially, thinking it was too powerful. After seeing it in action, they realized that although it does allow a player to dish out decent damage, it’s also limited in how the attacks are repetitious. The feature is aimed at those who may be unfamiliar with fighting games or games in general and were looking to get into a battle and feel the thrill of our battle system quickly.”
How has the Fox / Disney Marvel issue affected the game?
“Sorry, not sure what issue you’re referring to. Working with Marvel Games has been fantastic however. They’ve been available at all times whenever we had any inquiries on whether what we were designing was appropriate for the characters in the game.”
How did you go about replacing fan favourites like Deadpool and the X-men characters?
“We looked at it from two perspectives, the story and gameplay. We wanted to make sure all characters in the roster played a role in the story, whether big or small and that it was all cohesive. Additionally, we wanted to make sure that there were a variety of playstyles represented, so those who like to play a keep away game could have as much fun as those who like to be aggressive or those who like smaller, faster character could have as much fun as those who like bigger, strong characters.”
Has having to replace them impacted on the core gameplay of the game in anyway?
“Not at all. As pointed out in the previous question, we wanted to make sure a variety of playstyles were represented through our roster selection, which is why we picked the characters that we did.”
Will we ever see the return of them to the game?
“You’ll have to stay tuned for more info down the line.”
How have you found the news has affected the fan anticipation for the game?
“A lot of the more recent fans were a bit sceptical on whether this could be a true versus game as we went back to 2 v 2, but as they saw more gameplay, they became more and more excited. Towards release, we saw fans were actually quite excited for the game and looked forward to its arrival.”
Do you think that any of the new characters will become fan favourites the same way as some of the missing one where?
“Definitely. We’re seeing a lot of players gravitate towards Captain Marvel and Ultron, having fun with them. That’s not to discount the returning characters however! We’ve updated their skill set and their balance, resulting in them playing much differently than they used to. I’m sure some of our more seasoned players will find themselves favouring characters they either thought were weak before or never saw themselves using.”
Are there plans for any DLC fighters after launch?
“Yes – we just announced our upcoming DLC characters. Players can look forward to Black Widow, Black Panther, Winter Soldier and Venom from the Marvel side and Hunter (from Monster Hunter) and Sigma from the Capcom side.”
Do you think that the game will be a staple on the eSport scene the same way as MvC3 has become?
“There’s no doubt in my mind that this game will become a staple with the eSport scene. This game contains all the depth and identity creating tools that players within the scene really look for and hold sacred.”
Are there any plans to have any eSports options in game? Set up online tournaments or leagues perhaps?
“Unfortunately there aren’t any tournament specific online modes present, but players can set up lobbies and spectate one another, providing the same experience as being able to spectate big matches through streams or other broadcasting media.”
How does the story mode change the game as it goes down a more cinematic route?
“It provides players with unique battles and story exclusive enemies that they wouldn’t otherwise encounter. Additionally the story mode provides greater insight into our heroes’ and villains’ motivations within the mixed universe as well as greater insight into their general character.”
This interview originally appeared in a shorter form in The Scottish Sun on Sunday 8th October, and the game is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Stuart Cullen
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