Rush Rally Origins

Rush Rally Origins

Pocket rockets.

rush rally origins

We all love a bit of rally based racing action, from bombing around a forest in the middle of nowhere…to ripping through 7ft tall snow drifts.  It’s fair to say when it comes to rally games there are a few household names that will instantly come to mind.  If you looking beyond the standard WRC license-fare and DiRT covered offering, you find more than a few hidden gems.  Like Rush Rally Origins – combining the classic thrills of top down racing with realistic physics, creating a very challenging yet also rewarding racer.

You’ll tackle 48 stages from locations around the world, each mixing things up a bit by changing the time of day and weather, as well as what sort of surface types you’ll be driving across including snow, gravel, dirt, mud and tarmac.  You’ll get to ride in a number of rally machines that just sit the right side of the copyright dodging line, though you can very easily tell which car they are based on, with a lot of love given to the legendary Group B cars.  You’ll also unlock and upgrade cars as you complete rallies.  Rush Rally Origins has a bit of a simple upgrade system to be fair, but it does the job and lets you tailor your car to your own specific driving style, as well as squeezing a few extra horsepower out of it.  Note: it’s worth saying that this series started life as a mobile game, which you can sort of see in certain elements and features, but don’t let that fool you… this is a solid rally title.  You’ll compete in a series of rally championships, as well as time trials in between, which is the most pure to the sport the game gets, as it’s just you, the stage, and one goal… beat the clock.

With it being a top down racer it does take a bit of time to get to grips with its controls, but after a bit it will click and you’ll be hitting those sweet spots, as your co-driver calls them out.  Though just as you’re getting into the swing of things, you’ll head to a new location and it’ll offer up a new challenge mainly based around its road surface, as each will take time to understand where the limits are.  Beyond going it alone, you can jump online and get stuck into some race action in real-time multiplayer or leaderboard based fun.  Here you can fight it out to see who has the quickest time against your mates ghosts.

Visually the game does look a bit dated, and again, this feels like a hangover from its mobile roots, though each car and location, as well as the weather effects and the like are ok on the whole.  Sound wise it’s a mixed bag, cars and co-driver all sound spot on whereas everything else is very sound library and forgettable.  Rush Rally Origins is a solid and enjoyable title that does the rarest of things and breaks free from its roots as a mobile game.  It’s maybe not as glitzy as others, but if you’re hungry for some muddy fun it is well worth a look.

An Xbox review copy of Rush Rally Origins was provided by Brownmonster Games’ PR team, and it’s available now on mobile, Xbox and PC for around £15 depending on platform.

The Verdict


The Good: Over all amount of content | Great racing feel | Something different

The Bad: A little dated looking | Some of the features lack real depth

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Stuart Cullen

Scotland’s very own thorn in the side of the London gaming scene bringing all the hottest action straight from The Sun… well… The Scottish Sun at least, every week!

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