F1 23 Wheel Settings

F1 23 Wheel Settings

F1 23 the game is upon us and continues to share the raft of rule changes and new car designs that allow us to mimic our heroes and experience the thrills of the latest generation of the pinnacle of open wheel racing. It’s not all smooth sailing though because the latest aero regulations designed to encourage more overtaking mean the cars are a bit slippier, and definitely looser at the rear. Whether you’re a veteran of Codemasters interpretation of the sport or a newcomer, it’s worth taking some time to look at the options and see what they can do to help you master 1,000 BHP being forced through a couple of bits of rubber. Here are some starter suggestions for the wheel settings in F1 23. Note: these are initially for the Logitech G29 wheel, but will be useful in most setups.

The biggest problem with the F1 23 cars is the increased tendency to spin up the rear and lose traction, though it’s managed much better than last year’s version. There are two ways to cope with it: dial up the traction control in the assists, or get a comfortable linearity figure for the wheel settings that matches your input style. The former is a quick fix, but will lose you some pace as it neutralises that zone where it’s maximising traction and power. It’s worth exploring the Throttle Linearity and increasing this value quite a bit as it will reduce the sensitivity of the input for the initial movement of the pedal, meaning you’re less likely to put too much power in too early. You can see the effect by testing the pedals using the option on the menu screen. If you like to rest your foot on the pedal too, consider a small deadzone which means those smaller movements aren’t picked up as inputs. It’s worth looking at a small adjust to the brake too if you’re having similar issues there.

On to the vibration and force feedback, and in reality this is down to user preference. I like to feel the resistance of the tyres on the track so increasing the Wheel Damper improves this, and with the likelihood that you’ll lose grip at some point, it will help you feel this more by slacking off the resistance in the wheel. Most of the other settings are purely personal, and I’ve only dialled up by a few notches to make the most of the G29’s rumbling without rattling my hands apart. Definitely worth fiddling with are the button bindings because for some weird reason Codemasters stopped mapping the G29’s MFD controls by default. If there’s a dedicated button and jog wheel for changing settings on the fly, it should be included… right? It’s easy enough to map them in – just click on the MFD options and press/turn the control to apply them. I’ve put Left and Right as the +/- buttons so I know which will incrementally change the values rather than fiddling with the jog wheel.

Controller users will find the handling just as challenging as with a wheel, possibly more so because the triggers are sensitive, so take the same steps in increasing Throttle Linearity as with the wheel. The other settings tend not to need touching, and I found it’s possible to manage both traction control OFF or MEDIUM on the pad with this setting. It’s also worth configuring the trigger resistance to feel more through the DualSense’s adaptive buttons as standard setting feels a bit anaemic. Hopefully these tips will help guide you in a direction to get the right balance of feel and handling for you, and remember to play around with them to suit your particular style.

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Co-founder & Editor at Codec Moments

Gamer, F1 fanatic, one half of the Muddyfunkrs DJ duo (find us over on Hive Radio UK), MGS obsessed, tech geek.

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