With news that Dying Light isn't coming to PS3 and 360, the Polish dev is pulling out all the stops to deliver the most realistic zombie experience ever.
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Today Ubisoft has e-mailed us with some online footage of what they claim is "perhaps the greatest session of Assassin’s Creed four player co-op".
Gigapan?! Is that really a proper word?
DriveClub stalls after "a lot of activity and new social behaviours... ...pushing the servers to their absolute limits." Should Evolution be surprised?
Fight for your life with knives, guns, garden tools and various bits of animal. Far Cry 4 asks "What are you made of?"
Tekken or leave 'em...
Big guys in big armour - is Lords of the Fallen is another run of the mill fantasy spectacular?
Looking to keep warm through the winter? Maybe a Portal jacket will be just the thing.
Video game music in a concert hall?
A new gameplay trailer for the disturbing looking The Evil Within emerges from the dark places.
Don't believe the adverts, don't believe the experts... this is our Destiny calling.
A lingering glance at what's right in front of you.
Aliens invade, wipe out everything, what to do you do?
Where opinion ends and fact begins.
If you aren't Tolkien on Orcs, get out there and kill them.