10 Second Ninja is a charming but insanely hard game to master, which features robot Nazis. Would you like to know more?
10 Second Ninja is a charming but insanely hard game to master, which features robot Nazis. Would you like to know more?
Have you ever wanted to be a thief, learn how to use a lock-pick and attempt to break into a treasure chest? Of course you have!
In-game purchases left a £4000 credit card bill for one Mum. Is she right to blame game makers, or is it a failure in understanding parental controls?
More games and DLC are becoming online only, is it the right direction for the industry?
Flip out! Kill robots!
The Elder Scrolls is heading online, but will we get the same experience from the focus shift?
Which games are must haves for 2014, but aren't necessarily pre-order or midnight queuing material?
Cev waits with baited breath for the games he's most looking forward to in the year to come.